Zoe Summers
Naturopath, Nutritionist & Medical Herbalist (b.NatMed)
Zoe is the first practitioner who started working with Tessa at Wellness Clinic. She is the go-to person for anything to do with your immune system, issues with fatigue as well as sports performance and nutrition.
Clients seen
Years' clinical experience
Areas of specialty
I came to be a Naturopath after experiencing my own health concerns in my younger years with my menstrual cycle, mental health, and issues with my sports performance and recovery.
I am incredibly passionate about holistic care, and wanted to teach my clients life-long skills to support not only their health, but their whānau and community too.
I have a strong interest in nutrition and will support your education about micro and macronutrients, and work to improve your relationship with food. I prioritise nutrition education for all of my clients, teaching you how to incorporate specific foods to meet nutrient demands and create balanced meals that will satisfy you and the family.
I provide specialised support for competitive athletes engaging in endurance events, playing various competitive sports, and comprehensive support for pre, intra, and post-training nutrition guidance.
In addition, I have a particular interest in cellular energy, immunity challenges, and the body’s detoxification processes, specifically targeting kidney, liver and gut health and addressing associated conditions. I also see a range of reproductive disorders in clinic.
Outside of naturopathy I am a lover of music and arts, the outdoors and moving my body by surfing, hiking, or muay thai.
What does it cost?
Our mission: provide the best quality care possible, at the most affordable price, accessible to everyone in New Zealand
Start working with Zoe
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Success stories
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Zoe Summers
Naturopath, Nutritionist & Medical Herbalist (b.NatMed)
Zoe Summers
Naturopath, Nutritionist & Medical Herbalist (b.NatMed)
Zoe Summers
Naturopath, Nutritionist & Medical Herbalist (b.NatMed)
Zoe Summers
Naturopath, Nutritionist & Medical Herbalist (b.NatMed)
Zoe Summers
Naturopath, Nutritionist & Medical Herbalist (b.NatMed)
Zoe Summers
Naturopath, Nutritionist & Medical Herbalist (b.NatMed)